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SLTV Star Series #2: Репортаж
The Premier League Season 2: Репортаж
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Rising Stars Challenge
36ON.RU BATTLE CITY: Групповой этап
FnaticRC CS League: Групповой этап
It's Gosu's Monthly Madness: 2 сезон
36ON.RU BATTLE CITY: 2й квалификационный тур
The Premier League: 2 cезон
Fantasy Football - UEFA Champions League лига
36ON.RU BATTLE CITY: 1й квалификационный тур
36ON.RU BATTLE CITY: Составы команд

    #1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]   
вроде бы и не заметный О_О
    #2   UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]   
Laughing Laughing
    #3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]   
трагедия-трагедия Crying or Very sad
    #5   UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]   
Laughing Laughing
    #6   sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]   
я только знаю рафаэля Shocked
    #7   Labef[умный дох7я] @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]   
а я леонардо Shocked
    #8   Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]   
Very Happy
    #9   dAnAteLo-moodq @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]   
трагедия - трагедия Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
    #10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]   
№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия Crying or Very sad
    #11   m1Gh fan of ABAHrAPq OMCK @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]   
Laughing Laughing Laughing
    #12   dAnAteLo-moodq @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]   
№10 бывает Surprised
    #13   ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]   
    #14   waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]   
Arrow Arrow
    #15   Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]   
трагедия-трагедия Mad
    #16   ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]   
    #17   Тот самый БОРИС @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]   
Rolling Eyes
    #18   daun228 @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]   
Sad Sad Sad
    #20   CaxapHa9 BaTa[x0r] @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]   
User: CaxapHa9 BaTa[x0r] Messages: 0 / 3 Friends: 0 / 2 Gallery: Personal gallery Search: in

Richest users
semqi 4000001
restyled 3400001
Striderjoker 1263983
Fаv 206666
VIVALA[sorry bro] 150001
F_1L 119938
agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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Richest users
semqi 4000001
restyled 3400001
Striderjoker 1263983
Fаv 206666
VIVALA[sorry bro] 150001
F_1L 119938
agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


New topic


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Richest users
semqi 4000001
restyled 3400001
Striderjoker 1263983
Fаv 206666
VIVALA[sorry bro] 150001
F_1L 119938
agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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Нашёл на сайте ошибку? Сообщи редакции!User: CaxapHa9 BaTa[x0r] Messages: 0 / 3 Friends: 0 / 2 Gallery: Personal gallery Search: in

Richest users
semqi 4000001
restyled 3400001
Striderjoker 1263983
Fаv 206666
VIVALA[sorry bro] 150001
F_1L 119938
agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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restyled 3400001
Striderjoker 1263983
Fаv 206666
VIVALA[sorry bro] 150001
F_1L 119938
agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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Striderjoker 1263983
Fаv 206666
VIVALA[sorry bro] 150001
F_1L 119938
agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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Striderjoker 1263983
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agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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Striderjoker 1263983
Fаv 206666
VIVALA[sorry bro] 150001
F_1L 119938
agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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31 окт Москва и МО (4)
31 окт Москва и МО (1)
01 ноя Москва и МО (1)
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Richest users
semqi 4000001
restyled 3400001
Striderjoker 1263983
Fаv 206666
VIVALA[sorry bro] 150001
F_1L 119938
agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009


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k23 - WeMade FOX 69 (0)
Evil Geniuses - Made in Brazil 33 (1) - Mousesports 58 (0)
TyLoo - fnatic 90 (1) - RAPTOR-GAMING 182 (1)
nG.Sonik - uPro.EvilLiS 187 (9)
WMF.Moon - FoV 389 (2)
WCG Украина 2009 - Pack 294 (7)

Recent articles more

Анонс на октябрь 23
Moonfans: «Я тренируюсь по 6-9 часов в день» 19
Majestic: "Прыгал по квартире от радости" 17
Последнее (и самое длинное) интервью Nordahl'а 14
Neo: "Мы еще всем покажем!" 34

Recent VOD's more

WCG гимн. Необычное исполнение 790 (9)
WCG 2009. Видео-заставка 676 (16)
ACL autumn funny moment. 1832 (33)
WCG 2009. Гимн 519 (10)
RID.VolanD vs Ladder 1060 (9)

Best demos more

Whimp - SK 521 (5)
MadFrog - EvenStar 471 (Cool
mTw.Tak3r - Insomnia 441 (1)
WMF.Moon - FoV 389 (2)
WCG Russia 2009 - Online-2 361 (0)

News in full

News by game: All news Interview with forZe.MarLa Author: Силена @ 26.03 10:00 Comments: 6

After the winter tournament of Asus Cup had finished, we began to interview the famous people and its participants. One of such famous, interesting and, mainly, beautiful people became the participant of the Russian project forZe - Lidiya "MarLa" Strakanova. We should remind that her team took the first place at Asus Winter 2009.

LumeNation: Hello! Please, introduce yourself, may be somebody doesn’t know you, and tell something about yourself.

MarLa: Hello, everybody. My name is Lidiya Strakanova, my nickname in the game is MarLa. I play for the women team forZe. My general game experience is more than 7 years.

Retell your career of the professional gamer. Where did your experience begin and what is the situation now?

I began as many other people. I occasionally saw, how guys were playing in the computer club, and I decided to try to do the same. By the way, in the beginning everybody laughed at me. Probably, it served as a stimulus to learn how to play. Then I was called into the first Russian women team p[L]atinum, besides Venema and Manu came out of this team, so then I was tied with these affairs, there were different memberships of this team and now I have been playing for forZe for almost two years.

Do you think, that passion for computer games is not appropriate for women? That is the small part of the women population plays computer games and prefers something else, chooses other priorities.

It’s the truth. It is normal, that mainly lads play computer games, it’s really game for men because of weapons, explosions =) But on the other hand, girls don’t have large competition, and it’s easier for us to win and attract sponsors, for example.

Tell me, what are you doing apart from Counter-Strike? Do you study, or, probably, work?

I began to work long time ago, and rather successfully, I work as the Business Development Manager. To combine Сounter Strike with work is not easy, but I am sure of my future, besides, it’s interesting to work.

Read full interview

Interview with EYE.xek Author: Силена @ 23.03 20:34 Comments: 1

At last we bring to your attention the long-expected interview with the most famous Counter Strike player of the Russian team EYEsports and the national team of Russia. As you have guessed, today the hero of our program is a cheerful and positive Alexander "xek" Zubkov, who answered all important questions that have worried the local population for many months.

Tell me, for which team do you play and how long have you been playing for it?

Hello! Now I am playing for EYEsports within a year. Before I played also with the same people about 2 years ago, but under different names of teams (only one or two gamers were changed, and once I was changed).

At the end of December of the last year two players Xenitron and Dingo left EYEsports in What do you think about it?

So, they chose the team with the best conditions at that moment, including the fact, that we played with the last champions very badly; we didn’t have motivation to train and to win. May be, every player made the same.

How successfully did Flatra и Edik enter the team after Vanya and Denis had left?

The situation was a little opposite. Flatra and edik were first to contact with eyesports managers and began to form the team. After ex they took me and redman. Everybody entered the team well, as we have known, and played with each other for a long time.

Read full interview
Video from ESWC Masters Author: graver @ 10.07 13:15 Comments: 0 crew attended ESWC Masters in Paris last weekend and did a great coverage for our Russian readers. Our english readers can also check out some videos we made there. Dont miss it!
ESWC gaming zones
mibr, mTw
forZe - PGS
forZe - mYm
WC3 quarterfinals
forZe - n!
forZe - SK
WC3 prize ceremony
Spawn + Venema

Videos from KODE5 Author: graver @ 19.05 23:34 Comments: 0

Crew of leading Russian eSports website,, made some nice videos at KODE5 World Finals which took place in Moscow at 10-11th of May. Below you can find really interesting videos, like f0rest talking after fnatic lost finals or Ave saying how important his ingame leading is. - fnatic - first map
fnatic - - second map
Shy - Infi - first map
Infi - Shy - second map
mTw - fnatic #1 - first map
mTw - fnatic #2 - second map
Interview with fnatic.Shy
Performance of best Russian beatboxer (!!!)
Interview with mTw.Ave after finals
Interview with fnatic.f0rest after finals
mTw are playin quarterfinals
SK are playing quarterfinals
Mibr are playing quarterfinals
fnatic are playing quarterfinals
mYm are playing quarterfinals
Interview with fnatic.Archi
Virtus.Pro - EG
KODE5 GLOBAL FINAL Author: igc-Marchello @ 02.02 12:22 Comments: 0

Over $60,000 in Cash and Prizes Up for Grabs in the Russian Capital

(Moscow, RUSSIA) – February 2, 2008 – Bringing gamers to exotic locations around the world, the KODE5 Global Final is a celebration of competitive gaming excellence. In 2006, 90 of the world’s top gamers assembled in Beijing, China for KODE5’s inaugural Global Final event. This year, in association with ProPlay and, KODE5 is proud to reveal Moscow, Russia as the location for the KODE5 2007 Global Final. There, over 100 gamers from around the world will travel to the Russian capital to the T-Modul Exhibition Complex to compete for their share of over $60,000 in cash and prizes. With Global Supporters Cooler Master, GIGABYTE, and Corsair Memory, the KODE5 Global Gaming Revolution brings competitive gaming to the forefront with events in over 16 countries across the globe.

KODE5 2007 Global Finals

DATES: May 10th ~ 11th, 2008
VENUE: T-Modul Exhibition Complex
LOCATION: Moscow, Russia
GAMES: Counter-Strike 1.6, Warcraft III

From May 10th ~ 11th, 2008, KODE5 finalists from around the world will unite at the T-Modul Exhibition Complex for the KODE5 2007 Global Final. Located in Moscow’s Tishinskaya Square, this 1,500 square meter facility regularly hosts Moscow’s hottest concerts, parties, and fashion events. In May, it will be the venue for the final event of the 2007 KODE5 season.

T-Modul will set the stage for KODE5’s final 2007 season event

This massive complex is designed by some of Russia’s top architects

At T-Modul, finalists from each KODE5 country will compete for the title of KODE5 2007 Global Champion and their share of over $60,000 in cash and prizes. Cash payouts are as follows:

PLACE Counter-Strike 1.6 Warcraft III
1st $25 000 $10 000
2nd $10 000 $4 000
3rd $5 000 $1 000

A veteran in the gaming industry, produces world-class gaming festivals in Russia and surrounding countries. Its website is a leading e-sports portal with a full compliment of editors, correspondents, and writers who keep the Russian e-sports scene up-to-date with the latest industry developments. also controls PlayGround, the largest Internet Cafй in all of Moscow. This state-of-the-art facility hosts numerous gaming tournaments year long, and is frequented by hundreds of gamers every day.

“It is a great honor to host the KODE5 2007 Global Finals, and both ProPlay and are happy to welcome the gamers of the world to Moscow,” says Vadim Goronkov, ProPlay CTO. “Russia is rich with culture and history, and at the KODE5 2007 Global Finals, we will all have the chance to be a part of history once again.”

“Like Beijing in 2006, KODE5’s final 2007 event will treat gamers to a tournament unlike they have ever experienced before,” said Lester Lau, KODE5 Revolutionary-in-Command. “Our 2007 Global Champions will be determined in the heart of the Russian capital. By working with ProPlay, the KODE5 2007 Global Final will be another gaming tournament to add to the record books.”

Providing tournament machines for the KODE5 2007 Global Final will be long-standing Global Supporters Cooler Master, GIGABYTE, and Corsair Memory, who will be on hand to join the festivities and display professional-grade gaming hardware.

“It'll be exciting to see the world's top gamers battling it out for the KODE5 crown in Moscow,” remarked Coco Lee, Brand Manager, Cooler Master “It's going to be one heck of an event!"

“Having partnered with KODE5 for many events around the world, we are excited to participate in the Global Finals here in the Russian capital,” said Jack Peterson, VP Marketing Corsair. “KODE5 has been hosting tournaments that clearly foster competitive gaming excellence - the very core of Corsair Memory products,” continued Peterson.

More details on this exciting event will be revealed on KODE5’s official website:

For more information on, check out:

For more information on Playground, go to their official website:

About Cooler Master

Cooler Master was founded to provide the best thermal solutions to our customers worldwide. Since its establishment a decade ago, we continue to invest in product development in order to provide the leading-edge innovations to people and businesses. Cooler Master’s enclosure technology line-up includes heat sinks and fans, chassis, power supplies, function panels and accessories. Cooler Master has its headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, with global branch offices located in Europe, America and APAC, so that we can offer to our customers the best service in time. For more information on Cooler Master, please visit


GIGABYTE for the past 20 years has been a world-renowned leader in the motherboard and graphics card industry. Fully utilizing its key assets including its cutting-edge research and development team as well as its professional sales and marketing resources, GIGABYTE is committed to providing our valued customers with the highest quality products and services featuring the industry’s most innovative design. Now and for the future, GIGABYTE will continue to embody the unique spirit and culture, which has made GIGABYTE one of the foremost brands in the industry. For more information about GIGABYTE, please visit

About Corsair

Corsair Memory, a member of JEDEC, has been a leader in the design and manufacture of high-speed memory modules since 1994. We have earned our reputation as being the first to market with leading-edge products supporting new computing platforms and technologies. Corsair supplies memory for applications ranging from mission-critical servers to ultra-high performance gaming systems. The performance and reliability of Corsair memory products makes them ideal for memory-intensive computing. Additional information about Corsair is available at

About KODE5

KODE5 masses gamers in 16 countries in a series of regional events to find the best gamers from around the world. The best then fly to an undisclosed location to square off against the world’s gaming elite. With television crews from around the world broadcasting, international media in attendance, and mass crowds rioting for their favorites, the KODE5 Global Finals will bring gaming to the center stage like no other gaming event. KODE5 will take competitive gaming to another level and gain the respect that gaming deserves. To join the revolution, go to the KODE5 website at

Begrip -vs- Manager Author: igc-Marchello @ 01.02 21:06 Comments: 0

Breaking news! Russian Begrip Gaming Counter-Strike team falling apart. Players of the team decided they are not anymore interested in cooperation with their owner, Maksim “Nirvana” Zalilov. Players are not satisfied by Zalilov’s work and they also suspect that they are not getting all the money they should get.

Zalilov told us that he wont allow team to play in NPCL league, and he will try to ban them from Russian qualifiers of WCG, KODE5 and made a call to Russian WSG Qualifier organizers, and they told us, that they fully support Zalilov’s decision.

Stay tuned for more information about this growing conflict.

Begrip Lineup: Xenitron, Xek, Redman, Flatra, eX
WCG Seattle in judge's eyes Author: Miker @ 30.10 22:47 Comments: 0

I will speak in a roundabout way. By the time I've been thinking over what to write for my diary on Proplay, I've come to a conclusion that I should speak only about the third unfortunate day, the play-off day, where I was anyhow involved at once in the two most sensational scandals of the WCG. I mean games Norway - Korea and Russia - USA.

I'll start with the first match and tell you what had happened in reality. Glad Norwegians barge into the gaming zone a bit later than Koreans and I, as the judge assigned to team Norway, had to raise my voice, but REAL took out his guys from a crowd of chatting Scandinavians. Mates sat down at once, without any problems in about five minutes set all the options and stared at me with questioned faces. "Oh God! What a pleasure to work with professionals. They do everything in silence, quickly and without questions." - thought I, remembering my Greeks and Macedonians in the first and second days of the competition. Although it's a sin to complain of team Macedonia - the guys played calmly and without any remarks, that was really surprising. Attentively examined their devices for own satisfaction and started the CS, I began looking for the enemy. It turned out a team of five guys who looked like monkeys from the cartoon. By the way, there was monkey-mother in the cartoon and we could see her here too - the team-leader, who diligently defended the interests of the team from Samsung's and Boxer's motherland. It was a great pleasure that the other Russian-speaking judge from Latvia - Banshi was looking after the Asians. There were no doubts that we will find the understanding. The game began.

Read the full story

A couple of good news from OLDI and! Author: Miker @ 12.10 16:39 Comments: 1

The "OLDI PP Cup" tournament series sponsored by OLDI are constantly developing. The audience is growing and all the best russian and CIS players already enjoyed the tournament.

The next step in the development of the best russian online WarCraft III tournament is the new prize-pool. Now it's not only the winner who gets 200 euro but it is 85 euro for the runner-up! These nice changes will apply immediately from now and will concern tomorrow's OLDI PP Cup #6.

Moreover there will be the first Counter-Strike 2vs2 tournament this Sunday. More likely it will start the new series of tournaments sponsored by OLDI in this most popular nomination. The rules for this tournament will be published soon. By the way the changes in the prize-pool will apply to the Counter-Strike tournament as well - besides 200 euro for the first place there will be 85 euro for the runner-up.

We hope to see even more fans and participants on OLDI PP Cup, so we're looking forward for you sign-ups!

by dark_Xeon
Virtus.Pro with full lineup again Author: Lonely @ 14.08 16:24 Comments: 1

A couple of days ago the mix-team KPOBb won the ticket to the Seattle. Here you can read the official statement from the manager and the coach of the Virtus.Pro project:

Groove: We are pleased to announce two new members in our Counter-Strike squad - they are talanted Ukrainian players Ioann Sukharev and Daniil Teslenko have been played in the pro100 team before.

The Counter-Strike squad of the Virtus.Pro project now looks as folows:

Pikiner Constantin - Konstantin P.
Kolesnikov Aleksey - Aleksey K.
Filimonchencko Viktor - Viktor F.
Makarov Roman - Roman M.
Sukharev Ioann - Ioan S.
Teslenko Daniil - Danil T.

Groove: In the end i want to comment our performance at WCG Russia. Unfortunately, we could't play with our new lineup because only citizens Russian Federation allowed to participate in that tournament. That's why we offer Victor Moskvin aka and Vladimir Perevolotskiy aka to join our team named "KPOBb" at WCG Russia. The name of our team at WCG Finals is "Virtus.Russia". I must admit that we won't go to WCG as "tourists" and we are going to prepare for this event.

The lineup of Virtus.Russia at WCG Finals:


WCG Russia 07: Results Author: Lonely @ 12.08 16:52 Comments: 0

WCG Ru 07

Warcraft III: TFT

StarCraft: BW


NFS Carbon


Galleries: 1, 2, 3

Russian WCG Preliminary has finished. Tons of players came to Moscow to fight for the spot in the Grand Finals and for good prizemoney. After three days of battles against each other all Russian resepresentatives for WCG 2007 has been determined. If you want to see more about each game follow the links. There were a big suprise in Warcraft 3 because Deadman was eliminated in quarterfinals and Swift, who wasn't well known in Russia until now, took one of the spots. The rest of the spots were distributed among the best russian gamers. You can find all those lucky ones by folowing the "Read more" link .
Counter-Strike Coverage
Warcraft 3 Coverage
Starcraft Coverage
FIFA Coverage

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Past news
Game: Cooller interview: "Everything I have now, I've reached by my own" Author: Miker @ 30.07 21:31 Comments: 2
OverDrive : The Movie Author: Andre- @ 27.07 14:45 Comments: 0
ForZe with a new line-up Author: Andre- @ 26.07 21:07 Comments: 4
Welcome to Author: Miker @ 20.07 00:03 Comments: 9

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Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009


New on forums more

SK|face 44
donatello 19
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Если Ты не бомж! 15
revo top1 pitera 10

Latest demos more

xf (TyLoo) - fnatic 74 (1)
TitaNs - Evil Geniuses 30 (3)
SK-Gaming - k23 92 (0)
SK-Gaming - WeMade FOX 73 (0)
TitaNs - Made in Brazil 22 (0)
k23 - WeMade FOX 69 (0)
Evil Geniuses - Made in Brazil 33 (1) - Mousesports 58 (0)
TyLoo - fnatic 90 (1) - RAPTOR-GAMING 182 (1)
nG.Sonik - uPro.EvilLiS 187 (9)
WMF.Moon - FoV 389 (2)
WCG Украина 2009 - Pack 294 (7)

Recent articles more

Анонс на октябрь 23
Moonfans: «Я тренируюсь по 6-9 часов в день» 19
Majestic: "Прыгал по квартире от радости" 17
Последнее (и самое длинное) интервью Nordahl'а 14
Neo: "Мы еще всем покажем!" 34

Recent VOD's more

WCG гимн. Необычное исполнение 790 (9)
WCG 2009. Видео-заставка 676 (16)
ACL autumn funny moment. 1832 (33)
WCG 2009. Гимн 519 (10)
RID.VolanD vs Ladder 1060 (9)

Best demos more

Whimp - SK 521 (5)
MadFrog - EvenStar 471 (Cool
mTw.Tak3r - Insomnia 441 (1)
WMF.Moon - FoV 389 (2)
WCG Russia 2009 - Online-2 361 (0)

News in full

News by game: All news Interview with forZe.MarLa Author: Силена @ 26.03 10:00 Comments: 6

After the winter tournament of Asus Cup had finished, we began to interview the famous people and its participants. One of such famous, interesting and, mainly, beautiful people became the participant of the Russian project forZe - Lidiya "MarLa" Strakanova. We should remind that her team took the first place at Asus Winter 2009.

LumeNation: Hello! Please, introduce yourself, may be somebody doesn’t know you, and tell something about yourself.

MarLa: Hello, everybody. My name is Lidiya Strakanova, my nickname in the game is MarLa. I play for the women team forZe. My general game experience is more than 7 years.

Retell your career of the professional gamer. Where did your experience begin and what is the situation now?

I began as many other people. I occasionally saw, how guys were playing in the computer club, and I decided to try to do the same. By the way, in the beginning everybody laughed at me. Probably, it served as a stimulus to learn how to play. Then I was called into the first Russian women team p[L]atinum, besides Venema and Manu came out of this team, so then I was tied with these affairs, there were different memberships of this team and now I have been playing for forZe for almost two years.

Do you think, that passion for computer games is not appropriate for women? That is the small part of the women population plays computer games and prefers something else, chooses other priorities.

It’s the truth. It is normal, that mainly lads play computer games, it’s really game for men because of weapons, explosions =) But on the other hand, girls don’t have large competition, and it’s easier for us to win and attract sponsors, for example.

Tell me, what are you doing apart from Counter-Strike? Do you study, or, probably, work?

I began to work long time ago, and rather successfully, I work as the Business Development Manager. To combine Сounter Strike with work is not easy, but I am sure of my future, besides, it’s interesting to work.

Read full interview

Interview with EYE.xek Author: Силена @ 23.03 20:34 Comments: 1

At last we bring to your attention the long-expected interview with the most famous Counter Strike player of the Russian team EYEsports and the national team of Russia. As you have guessed, today the hero of our program is a cheerful and positive Alexander "xek" Zubkov, who answered all important questions that have worried the local population for many months.

Tell me, for which team do you play and how long have you been playing for it?

Hello! Now I am playing for EYEsports within a year. Before I played also with the same people about 2 years ago, but under different names of teams (only one or two gamers were changed, and once I was changed).

At the end of December of the last year two players Xenitron and Dingo left EYEsports in What do you think about it?

So, they chose the team with the best conditions at that moment, including the fact, that we played with the last champions very badly; we didn’t have motivation to train and to win. May be, every player made the same.

How successfully did Flatra и Edik enter the team after Vanya and Denis had left?

The situation was a little opposite. Flatra and edik were first to contact with eyesports managers and began to form the team. After ex they took me and redman. Everybody entered the team well, as we have known, and played with each other for a long time.

Read full interview
Video from ESWC Masters Author: graver @ 10.07 13:15 Comments: 0 crew attended ESWC Masters in Paris last weekend and did a great coverage for our Russian readers. Our english readers can also check out some videos we made there. Dont miss it!
ESWC gaming zones
mibr, mTw
forZe - PGS
forZe - mYm
WC3 quarterfinals
forZe - n!
forZe - SK
WC3 prize ceremony
Spawn + Venema

Videos from KODE5 Author: graver @ 19.05 23:34 Comments: 0

Crew of leading Russian eSports website,, made some nice videos at KODE5 World Finals which took place in Moscow at 10-11th of May. Below you can find really interesting videos, like f0rest talking after fnatic lost finals or Ave saying how important his ingame leading is. - fnatic - first map
fnatic - - second map
Shy - Infi - first map
Infi - Shy - second map
mTw - fnatic #1 - first map
mTw - fnatic #2 - second map
Interview with fnatic.Shy
Performance of best Russian beatboxer (!!!)
Interview with mTw.Ave after finals
Interview with fnatic.f0rest after finals
mTw are playin quarterfinals
SK are playing quarterfinals
Mibr are playing quarterfinals
fnatic are playing quarterfinals
mYm are playing quarterfinals
Interview with fnatic.Archi
Virtus.Pro - EG
KODE5 GLOBAL FINAL Author: igc-Marchello @ 02.02 12:22 Comments: 0

Over $60,000 in Cash and Prizes Up for Grabs in the Russian Capital

(Moscow, RUSSIA) – February 2, 2008 – Bringing gamers to exotic locations around the world, the KODE5 Global Final is a celebration of competitive gaming excellence. In 2006, 90 of the world’s top gamers assembled in Beijing, China for KODE5’s inaugural Global Final event. This year, in association with ProPlay and, KODE5 is proud to reveal Moscow, Russia as the location for the KODE5 2007 Global Final. There, over 100 gamers from around the world will travel to the Russian capital to the T-Modul Exhibition Complex to compete for their share of over $60,000 in cash and prizes. With Global Supporters Cooler Master, GIGABYTE, and Corsair Memory, the KODE5 Global Gaming Revolution brings competitive gaming to the forefront with events in over 16 countries across the globe.

KODE5 2007 Global Finals

DATES: May 10th ~ 11th, 2008
VENUE: T-Modul Exhibition Complex
LOCATION: Moscow, Russia
GAMES: Counter-Strike 1.6, Warcraft III

From May 10th ~ 11th, 2008, KODE5 finalists from around the world will unite at the T-Modul Exhibition Complex for the KODE5 2007 Global Final. Located in Moscow’s Tishinskaya Square, this 1,500 square meter facility regularly hosts Moscow’s hottest concerts, parties, and fashion events. In May, it will be the venue for the final event of the 2007 KODE5 season.

T-Modul will set the stage for KODE5’s final 2007 season event

This massive complex is designed by some of Russia’s top architects

At T-Modul, finalists from each KODE5 country will compete for the title of KODE5 2007 Global Champion and their share of over $60,000 in cash and prizes. Cash payouts are as follows:

PLACE Counter-Strike 1.6 Warcraft III
1st $25 000 $10 000
2nd $10 000 $4 000
3rd $5 000 $1 000

A veteran in the gaming industry, produces world-class gaming festivals in Russia and surrounding countries. Its website is a leading e-sports portal with a full compliment of editors, correspondents, and writers who keep the Russian e-sports scene up-to-date with the latest industry developments. also controls PlayGround, the largest Internet Cafй in all of Moscow. This state-of-the-art facility hosts numerous gaming tournaments year long, and is frequented by hundreds of gamers every day.

“It is a great honor to host the KODE5 2007 Global Finals, and both ProPlay and are happy to welcome the gamers of the world to Moscow,” says Vadim Goronkov, ProPlay CTO. “Russia is rich with culture and history, and at the KODE5 2007 Global Finals, we will all have the chance to be a part of history once again.”

“Like Beijing in 2006, KODE5’s final 2007 event will treat gamers to a tournament unlike they have ever experienced before,” said Lester Lau, KODE5 Revolutionary-in-Command. “Our 2007 Global Champions will be determined in the heart of the Russian capital. By working with ProPlay, the KODE5 2007 Global Final will be another gaming tournament to add to the record books.”

Providing tournament machines for the KODE5 2007 Global Final will be long-standing Global Supporters Cooler Master, GIGABYTE, and Corsair Memory, who will be on hand to join the festivities and display professional-grade gaming hardware.

“It'll be exciting to see the world's top gamers battling it out for the KODE5 crown in Moscow,” remarked Coco Lee, Brand Manager, Cooler Master “It's going to be one heck of an event!"

“Having partnered with KODE5 for many events around the world, we are excited to participate in the Global Finals here in the Russian capital,” said Jack Peterson, VP Marketing Corsair. “KODE5 has been hosting tournaments that clearly foster competitive gaming excellence - the very core of Corsair Memory products,” continued Peterson.

More details on this exciting event will be revealed on KODE5’s official website:

For more information on, check out:

For more information on Playground, go to their official website:

About Cooler Master

Cooler Master was founded to provide the best thermal solutions to our customers worldwide. Since its establishment a decade ago, we continue to invest in product development in order to provide the leading-edge innovations to people and businesses. Cooler Master’s enclosure technology line-up includes heat sinks and fans, chassis, power supplies, function panels and accessories. Cooler Master has its headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, with global branch offices located in Europe, America and APAC, so that we can offer to our customers the best service in time. For more information on Cooler Master, please visit


GIGABYTE for the past 20 years has been a world-renowned leader in the motherboard and graphics card industry. Fully utilizing its key assets including its cutting-edge research and development team as well as its professional sales and marketing resources, GIGABYTE is committed to providing our valued customers with the highest quality products and services featuring the industry’s most innovative design. Now and for the future, GIGABYTE will continue to embody the unique spirit and culture, which has made GIGABYTE one of the foremost brands in the industry. For more information about GIGABYTE, please visit

About Corsair

Corsair Memory, a member of JEDEC, has been a leader in the design and manufacture of high-speed memory modules since 1994. We have earned our reputation as being the first to market with leading-edge products supporting new computing platforms and technologies. Corsair supplies memory for applications ranging from mission-critical servers to ultra-high performance gaming systems. The performance and reliability of Corsair memory products makes them ideal for memory-intensive computing. Additional information about Corsair is available at

About KODE5

KODE5 masses gamers in 16 countries in a series of regional events to find the best gamers from around the world. The best then fly to an undisclosed location to square off against the world’s gaming elite. With television crews from around the world broadcasting, international media in attendance, and mass crowds rioting for their favorites, the KODE5 Global Finals will bring gaming to the center stage like no other gaming event. KODE5 will take competitive gaming to another level and gain the respect that gaming deserves. To join the revolution, go to the KODE5 website at

Begrip -vs- Manager Author: igc-Marchello @ 01.02 21:06 Comments: 0

Breaking news! Russian Begrip Gaming Counter-Strike team falling apart. Players of the team decided they are not anymore interested in cooperation with their owner, Maksim “Nirvana” Zalilov. Players are not satisfied by Zalilov’s work and they also suspect that they are not getting all the money they should get.

Zalilov told us that he wont allow team to play in NPCL league, and he will try to ban them from Russian qualifiers of WCG, KODE5 and made a call to Russian WSG Qualifier organizers, and they told us, that they fully support Zalilov’s decision.

Stay tuned for more information about this growing conflict.

Begrip Lineup: Xenitron, Xek, Redman, Flatra, eX
WCG Seattle in judge's eyes Author: Miker @ 30.10 22:47 Comments: 0

I will speak in a roundabout way. By the time I've been thinking over what to write for my diary on Proplay, I've come to a conclusion that I should speak only about the third unfortunate day, the play-off day, where I was anyhow involved at once in the two most sensational scandals of the WCG. I mean games Norway - Korea and Russia - USA.

I'll start with the first match and tell you what had happened in reality. Glad Norwegians barge into the gaming zone a bit later than Koreans and I, as the judge assigned to team Norway, had to raise my voice, but REAL took out his guys from a crowd of chatting Scandinavians. Mates sat down at once, without any problems in about five minutes set all the options and stared at me with questioned faces. "Oh God! What a pleasure to work with professionals. They do everything in silence, quickly and without questions." - thought I, remembering my Greeks and Macedonians in the first and second days of the competition. Although it's a sin to complain of team Macedonia - the guys played calmly and without any remarks, that was really surprising. Attentively examined their devices for own satisfaction and started the CS, I began looking for the enemy. It turned out a team of five guys who looked like monkeys from the cartoon. By the way, there was monkey-mother in the cartoon and we could see her here too - the team-leader, who diligently defended the interests of the team from Samsung's and Boxer's motherland. It was a great pleasure that the other Russian-speaking judge from Latvia - Banshi was looking after the Asians. There were no doubts that we will find the understanding. The game began.

Read the full story

A couple of good news from OLDI and! Author: Miker @ 12.10 16:39 Comments: 1

The "OLDI PP Cup" tournament series sponsored by OLDI are constantly developing. The audience is growing and all the best russian and CIS players already enjoyed the tournament.

The next step in the development of the best russian online WarCraft III tournament is the new prize-pool. Now it's not only the winner who gets 200 euro but it is 85 euro for the runner-up! These nice changes will apply immediately from now and will concern tomorrow's OLDI PP Cup #6.

Moreover there will be the first Counter-Strike 2vs2 tournament this Sunday. More likely it will start the new series of tournaments sponsored by OLDI in this most popular nomination. The rules for this tournament will be published soon. By the way the changes in the prize-pool will apply to the Counter-Strike tournament as well - besides 200 euro for the first place there will be 85 euro for the runner-up.

We hope to see even more fans and participants on OLDI PP Cup, so we're looking forward for you sign-ups!

by dark_Xeon
Virtus.Pro with full lineup again Author: Lonely @ 14.08 16:24 Comments: 1

A couple of days ago the mix-team KPOBb won the ticket to the Seattle. Here you can read the official statement from the manager and the coach of the Virtus.Pro project:

Groove: We are pleased to announce two new members in our Counter-Strike squad - they are talanted Ukrainian players Ioann Sukharev and Daniil Teslenko have been played in the pro100 team before.

The Counter-Strike squad of the Virtus.Pro project now looks as folows:

Pikiner Constantin - Konstantin P.
Kolesnikov Aleksey - Aleksey K.
Filimonchencko Viktor - Viktor F.
Makarov Roman - Roman M.
Sukharev Ioann - Ioan S.
Teslenko Daniil - Danil T.

Groove: In the end i want to comment our performance at WCG Russia. Unfortunately, we could't play with our new lineup because only citizens Russian Federation allowed to participate in that tournament. That's why we offer Victor Moskvin aka and Vladimir Perevolotskiy aka to join our team named "KPOBb" at WCG Russia. The name of our team at WCG Finals is "Virtus.Russia". I must admit that we won't go to WCG as "tourists" and we are going to prepare for this event.

The lineup of Virtus.Russia at WCG Finals:


WCG Russia 07: Results Author: Lonely @ 12.08 16:52 Comments: 0

WCG Ru 07

Warcraft III: TFT

StarCraft: BW


NFS Carbon


Galleries: 1, 2, 3

Russian WCG Preliminary has finished. Tons of players came to Moscow to fight for the spot in the Grand Finals and for good prizemoney. After three days of battles against each other all Russian resepresentatives for WCG 2007 has been determined. If you want to see more about each game follow the links. There were a big suprise in Warcraft 3 because Deadman was eliminated in quarterfinals and Swift, who wasn't well known in Russia until now, took one of the spots. The rest of the spots were distributed among the best russian gamers. You can find all those lucky ones by folowing the "Read more" link .
Counter-Strike Coverage
Warcraft 3 Coverage
Starcraft Coverage
FIFA Coverage

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Past news
Game: Cooller interview: "Everything I have now, I've reached by my own" Author: Miker @ 30.07 21:31 Comments: 2
OverDrive : The Movie Author: Andre- @ 27.07 14:45 Comments: 0
ForZe with a new line-up Author: Andre- @ 26.07 21:07 Comments: 4
Welcome to Author: Miker @ 20.07 00:03 Comments: 9

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WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
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ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
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ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
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ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
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ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
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News in full

News by game: All news Interview with forZe.MarLa Author: Силена @ 26.03 10:00 Comments: 6

After the winter tournament of Asus Cup had finished, we began to interview the famous people and its participants. One of such famous, interesting and, mainly, beautiful people became the participant of the Russian project forZe - Lidiya "MarLa" Strakanova. We should remind that her team took the first place at Asus Winter 2009.

LumeNation: Hello! Please, introduce yourself, may be somebody doesn’t know you, and tell something about yourself.

MarLa: Hello, everybody. My name is Lidiya Strakanova, my nickname in the game is MarLa. I play for the women team forZe. My general game experience is more than 7 years.

Retell your career of the professional gamer. Where did your experience begin and what is the situation now?

I began as many other people. I occasionally saw, how guys were playing in the computer club, and I decided to try to do the same. By the way, in the beginning everybody laughed at me. Probably, it served as a stimulus to learn how to play. Then I was called into the first Russian women team p[L]atinum, besides Venema and Manu came out of this team, so then I was tied with these affairs, there were different memberships of this team and now I have been playing for forZe for almost two years.

Do you think, that passion for computer games is not appropriate for women? That is the small part of the women population plays computer games and prefers something else, chooses other priorities.

It’s the truth. It is normal, that mainly lads play computer games, it’s really game for men because of weapons, explosions =) But on the other hand, girls don’t have large competition, and it’s easier for us to win and attract sponsors, for example.

Tell me, what are you doing apart from Counter-Strike? Do you study, or, probably, work?

I began to work long time ago, and rather successfully, I work as the Business Development Manager. To combine Сounter Strike with work is not easy, but I am sure of my future, besides, it’s interesting to work.

Read full interview

Interview with EYE.xek Author: Силена @ 23.03 20:34 Comments: 1

At last we bring to your attention the long-expected interview with the most famous Counter Strike player of the Russian team EYEsports and the national team of Russia. As you have guessed, today the hero of our program is a cheerful and positive Alexander "xek" Zubkov, who answered all important questions that have worried the local population for many months.

Tell me, for which team do you play and how long have you been playing for it?

Hello! Now I am playing for EYEsports within a year. Before I played also with the same people about 2 years ago, but under different names of teams (only one or two gamers were changed, and once I was changed).

At the end of December of the last year two players Xenitron and Dingo left EYEsports in What do you think about it?

So, they chose the team with the best conditions at that moment, including the fact, that we played with the last champions very badly; we didn’t have motivation to train and to win. May be, every player made the same.

How successfully did Flatra и Edik enter the team after Vanya and Denis had left?

The situation was a little opposite. Flatra and edik were first to contact with eyesports managers and began to form the team. After ex they took me and redman. Everybody entered the team well, as we have known, and played with each other for a long time.

Read full interview
Video from ESWC Masters Author: graver @ 10.07 13:15 Comments: 0 crew attended ESWC Masters in Paris last weekend and did a great coverage for our Russian readers. Our english readers can also check out some videos we made there. Dont miss it!
ESWC gaming zones
mibr, mTw
forZe - PGS
forZe - mYm
WC3 quarterfinals
forZe - n!
forZe - SK
WC3 prize ceremony
Spawn + Venema

Videos from KODE5 Author: graver @ 19.05 23:34 Comments: 0

Crew of leading Russian eSports website,, made some nice videos at KODE5 World Finals which took place in Moscow at 10-11th of May. Below you can find really interesting videos, like f0rest talking after fnatic lost finals or Ave saying how important his ingame leading is. - fnatic - first map
fnatic - - second map
Shy - Infi - first map
Infi - Shy - second map
mTw - fnatic #1 - first map
mTw - fnatic #2 - second map
Interview with fnatic.Shy
Performance of best Russian beatboxer (!!!)
Interview with mTw.Ave after finals
Interview with fnatic.f0rest after finals
mTw are playin quarterfinals
SK are playing quarterfinals
Mibr are playing quarterfinals
fnatic are playing quarterfinals
mYm are playing quarterfinals
Interview with fnatic.Archi
Virtus.Pro - EG
KODE5 GLOBAL FINAL Author: igc-Marchello @ 02.02 12:22 Comments: 0

Over $60,000 in Cash and Prizes Up for Grabs in the Russian Capital

(Moscow, RUSSIA) – February 2, 2008 – Bringing gamers to exotic locations around the world, the KODE5 Global Final is a celebration of competitive gaming excellence. In 2006, 90 of the world’s top gamers assembled in Beijing, China for KODE5’s inaugural Global Final event. This year, in association with ProPlay and, KODE5 is proud to reveal Moscow, Russia as the location for the KODE5 2007 Global Final. There, over 100 gamers from around the world will travel to the Russian capital to the T-Modul Exhibition Complex to compete for their share of over $60,000 in cash and prizes. With Global Supporters Cooler Master, GIGABYTE, and Corsair Memory, the KODE5 Global Gaming Revolution brings competitive gaming to the forefront with events in over 16 countries across the globe.

KODE5 2007 Global Finals

DATES: May 10th ~ 11th, 2008
VENUE: T-Modul Exhibition Complex
LOCATION: Moscow, Russia
GAMES: Counter-Strike 1.6, Warcraft III

From May 10th ~ 11th, 2008, KODE5 finalists from around the world will unite at the T-Modul Exhibition Complex for the KODE5 2007 Global Final. Located in Moscow’s Tishinskaya Square, this 1,500 square meter facility regularly hosts Moscow’s hottest concerts, parties, and fashion events. In May, it will be the venue for the final event of the 2007 KODE5 season.

T-Modul will set the stage for KODE5’s final 2007 season event

This massive complex is designed by some of Russia’s top architects

At T-Modul, finalists from each KODE5 country will compete for the title of KODE5 2007 Global Champion and their share of over $60,000 in cash and prizes. Cash payouts are as follows:

PLACE Counter-Strike 1.6 Warcraft III
1st $25 000 $10 000
2nd $10 000 $4 000
3rd $5 000 $1 000

A veteran in the gaming industry, produces world-class gaming festivals in Russia and surrounding countries. Its website is a leading e-sports portal with a full compliment of editors, correspondents, and writers who keep the Russian e-sports scene up-to-date with the latest industry developments. also controls PlayGround, the largest Internet Cafй in all of Moscow. This state-of-the-art facility hosts numerous gaming tournaments year long, and is frequented by hundreds of gamers every day.

“It is a great honor to host the KODE5 2007 Global Finals, and both ProPlay and are happy to welcome the gamers of the world to Moscow,” says Vadim Goronkov, ProPlay CTO. “Russia is rich with culture and history, and at the KODE5 2007 Global Finals, we will all have the chance to be a part of history once again.”

“Like Beijing in 2006, KODE5’s final 2007 event will treat gamers to a tournament unlike they have ever experienced before,” said Lester Lau, KODE5 Revolutionary-in-Command. “Our 2007 Global Champions will be determined in the heart of the Russian capital. By working with ProPlay, the KODE5 2007 Global Final will be another gaming tournament to add to the record books.”

Providing tournament machines for the KODE5 2007 Global Final will be long-standing Global Supporters Cooler Master, GIGABYTE, and Corsair Memory, who will be on hand to join the festivities and display professional-grade gaming hardware.

“It'll be exciting to see the world's top gamers battling it out for the KODE5 crown in Moscow,” remarked Coco Lee, Brand Manager, Cooler Master “It's going to be one heck of an event!"

“Having partnered with KODE5 for many events around the world, we are excited to participate in the Global Finals here in the Russian capital,” said Jack Peterson, VP Marketing Corsair. “KODE5 has been hosting tournaments that clearly foster competitive gaming excellence - the very core of Corsair Memory products,” continued Peterson.

More details on this exciting event will be revealed on KODE5’s official website:

For more information on, check out:

For more information on Playground, go to their official website:

About Cooler Master

Cooler Master was founded to provide the best thermal solutions to our customers worldwide. Since its establishment a decade ago, we continue to invest in product development in order to provide the leading-edge innovations to people and businesses. Cooler Master’s enclosure technology line-up includes heat sinks and fans, chassis, power supplies, function panels and accessories. Cooler Master has its headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, with global branch offices located in Europe, America and APAC, so that we can offer to our customers the best service in time. For more information on Cooler Master, please visit


GIGABYTE for the past 20 years has been a world-renowned leader in the motherboard and graphics card industry. Fully utilizing its key assets including its cutting-edge research and development team as well as its professional sales and marketing resources, GIGABYTE is committed to providing our valued customers with the highest quality products and services featuring the industry’s most innovative design. Now and for the future, GIGABYTE will continue to embody the unique spirit and culture, which has made GIGABYTE one of the foremost brands in the industry. For more information about GIGABYTE, please visit

About Corsair

Corsair Memory, a member of JEDEC, has been a leader in the design and manufacture of high-speed memory modules since 1994. We have earned our reputation as being the first to market with leading-edge products supporting new computing platforms and technologies. Corsair supplies memory for applications ranging from mission-critical servers to ultra-high performance gaming systems. The performance and reliability of Corsair memory products makes them ideal for memory-intensive computing. Additional information about Corsair is available at

About KODE5

KODE5 masses gamers in 16 countries in a series of regional events to find the best gamers from around the world. The best then fly to an undisclosed location to square off against the world’s gaming elite. With television crews from around the world broadcasting, international media in attendance, and mass crowds rioting for their favorites, the KODE5 Global Finals will bring gaming to the center stage like no other gaming event. KODE5 will take competitive gaming to another level and gain the respect that gaming deserves. To join the revolution, go to the KODE5 website at

Begrip -vs- Manager Author: igc-Marchello @ 01.02 21:06 Comments: 0

Breaking news! Russian Begrip Gaming Counter-Strike team falling apart. Players of the team decided they are not anymore interested in cooperation with their owner, Maksim “Nirvana” Zalilov. Players are not satisfied by Zalilov’s work and they also suspect that they are not getting all the money they should get.

Zalilov told us that he wont allow team to play in NPCL league, and he will try to ban them from Russian qualifiers of WCG, KODE5 and made a call to Russian WSG Qualifier organizers, and they told us, that they fully support Zalilov’s decision.

Stay tuned for more information about this growing conflict.

Begrip Lineup: Xenitron, Xek, Redman, Flatra, eX
WCG Seattle in judge's eyes Author: Miker @ 30.10 22:47 Comments: 0

I will speak in a roundabout way. By the time I've been thinking over what to write for my diary on Proplay, I've come to a conclusion that I should speak only about the third unfortunate day, the play-off day, where I was anyhow involved at once in the two most sensational scandals of the WCG. I mean games Norway - Korea and Russia - USA.

I'll start with the first match and tell you what had happened in reality. Glad Norwegians barge into the gaming zone a bit later than Koreans and I, as the judge assigned to team Norway, had to raise my voice, but REAL took out his guys from a crowd of chatting Scandinavians. Mates sat down at once, without any problems in about five minutes set all the options and stared at me with questioned faces. "Oh God! What a pleasure to work with professionals. They do everything in silence, quickly and without questions." - thought I, remembering my Greeks and Macedonians in the first and second days of the competition. Although it's a sin to complain of team Macedonia - the guys played calmly and without any remarks, that was really surprising. Attentively examined their devices for own satisfaction and started the CS, I began looking for the enemy. It turned out a team of five guys who looked like monkeys from the cartoon. By the way, there was monkey-mother in the cartoon and we could see her here too - the team-leader, who diligently defended the interests of the team from Samsung's and Boxer's motherland. It was a great pleasure that the other Russian-speaking judge from Latvia - Banshi was looking after the Asians. There were no doubts that we will find the understanding. The game began.

Read the full story

A couple of good news from OLDI and! Author: Miker @ 12.10 16:39 Comments: 1

The "OLDI PP Cup" tournament series sponsored by OLDI are constantly developing. The audience is growing and all the best russian and CIS players already enjoyed the tournament.

The next step in the development of the best russian online WarCraft III tournament is the new prize-pool. Now it's not only the winner who gets 200 euro but it is 85 euro for the runner-up! These nice changes will apply immediately from now and will concern tomorrow's OLDI PP Cup #6.

Moreover there will be the first Counter-Strike 2vs2 tournament this Sunday. More likely it will start the new series of tournaments sponsored by OLDI in this most popular nomination. The rules for this tournament will be published soon. By the way the changes in the prize-pool will apply to the Counter-Strike tournament as well - besides 200 euro for the first place there will be 85 euro for the runner-up.

We hope to see even more fans and participants on OLDI PP Cup, so we're looking forward for you sign-ups!

by dark_Xeon
Virtus.Pro with full lineup again Author: Lonely @ 14.08 16:24 Comments: 1

A couple of days ago the mix-team KPOBb won the ticket to the Seattle. Here you can read the official statement from the manager and the coach of the Virtus.Pro project:

Groove: We are pleased to announce two new members in our Counter-Strike squad - they are talanted Ukrainian players Ioann Sukharev and Daniil Teslenko have been played in the pro100 team before.

The Counter-Strike squad of the Virtus.Pro project now looks as folows:

Pikiner Constantin - Konstantin P.
Kolesnikov Aleksey - Aleksey K.
Filimonchencko Viktor - Viktor F.
Makarov Roman - Roman M.
Sukharev Ioann - Ioan S.
Teslenko Daniil - Danil T.

Groove: In the end i want to comment our performance at WCG Russia. Unfortunately, we could't play with our new lineup because only citizens Russian Federation allowed to participate in that tournament. That's why we offer Victor Moskvin aka and Vladimir Perevolotskiy aka to join our team named "KPOBb" at WCG Russia. The name of our team at WCG Finals is "Virtus.Russia". I must admit that we won't go to WCG as "tourists" and we are going to prepare for this event.

The lineup of Virtus.Russia at WCG Finals:


WCG Russia 07: Results Author: Lonely @ 12.08 16:52 Comments: 0

WCG Ru 07

Warcraft III: TFT

StarCraft: BW


NFS Carbon


Galleries: 1, 2, 3

Russian WCG Preliminary has finished. Tons of players came to Moscow to fight for the spot in the Grand Finals and for good prizemoney. After three days of battles against each other all Russian resepresentatives for WCG 2007 has been determined. If you want to see more about each game follow the links. There were a big suprise in Warcraft 3 because Deadman was eliminated in quarterfinals and Swift, who wasn't well known in Russia until now, took one of the spots. The rest of the spots were distributed among the best russian gamers. You can find all those lucky ones by folowing the "Read more" link .
Counter-Strike Coverage
Warcraft 3 Coverage
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Game: Cooller interview: "Everything I have now, I've reached by my own" Author: Miker @ 30.07 21:31 Comments: 2
OverDrive : The Movie Author: Andre- @ 27.07 14:45 Comments: 0
ForZe with a new line-up Author: Andre- @ 26.07 21:07 Comments: 4
Welcome to Author: Miker @ 20.07 00:03 Comments: 9

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WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009


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    #22   Мой_ник_взломан_админы_будте_бдительны @ 02.10.09 16:50 [пожаловаться]   
ты и твой фейк ведете себя как одно ЧМ0 Mad
    #23   4o skaa @ 02.10.09 16:51 [пожаловаться]   
    #24   bRAZILR @ 02.10.09 16:51 [пожаловаться]   

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WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009 > Форумы > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]

#20 CaxapHa9 BaTa[x0r] @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]

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Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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semqi 4000001
restyled 3400001
Striderjoker 1263983
Fаv 206666
VIVALA[sorry bro] 150001
F_1L 119938
agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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Striderjoker 1263983
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VIVALA[sorry bro] 150001
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agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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Richest users
semqi 4000001
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Striderjoker 1263983
Fаv 206666
VIVALA[sorry bro] 150001
F_1L 119938
agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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31 окт Москва и МО (4)
31 окт Москва и МО (1)
01 ноя Москва и МО (1)
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Нашёл на сайте ошибку? Сообщи редакции!User: CaxapHa9 BaTa[x0r] Messages: 0 / 3 Friends: 0 / 2 Gallery: Personal gallery Search: in

Richest users
semqi 4000001
restyled 3400001
Striderjoker 1263983
Fаv 206666
VIVALA[sorry bro] 150001
F_1L 119938
agbar 119704
dIrTy- 105892
Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009

Links > Forums > BraBlay > donatello

#1 @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

вроде бы и не заметный О_О

#2 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:34 [пожаловаться]

#3 @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]


#4 Я плачу от см3ха @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#5 Некультурный UNэстетик @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

#6 sgUuu @ 02.10.09 15:35 [пожаловаться]

я только знаю рафаэля

#7 Labef @ 02.10.09 15:36 [пожаловаться]

а я леонардо

#8 Vitaminjke @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

#9 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:37 [пожаловаться]

трагедия - трагедия

#10 @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

№9 сорри, написал твой ник с ошибкой
З.Ы, трагедия-трагедия

#11 M1Gh @ 02.10.09 15:40 [пожаловаться]

#12 donatelo @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

№10 бывает

#13 ОЛЕЖ4 @ 02.10.09 15:41 [пожаловаться]

#14 waffen ss @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]

#15 Сабачка @ 02.10.09 15:47 [пожаловаться]


#16 ShadowFr @ 02.10.09 15:59 [пожаловаться]

#17 gR @ 02.10.09 16:00 [пожаловаться]

#18 Титька @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


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#19 zach_braff @ 02.10.09 16:46 [пожаловаться]


#21 CaxapHa9 BaTa[x0r] @ 02.10.09 16:47 [пожаловаться]

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Evgeniy154 105642


WCG 2009: Counter-Strike 1.6
Кубок Снайпера: Квалификации
Расписание видеостримов
WCG 2009. WarCraft 3
WCG 2009. Россия
WC3NC: 2-й сезон
Рейтинги 2009
ESEA : 4-ый сезон
Cherry Chinese Counter-Strike League
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Национальные отборочные
CEVO XI : Pro Division
Danish eSport League #5
EPS Germany : 15-ый сезон
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Основной раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Мировые финалы
SteelSeries King of The Hill : Sweden
Супер Кубок ЛКИ - Intel Challenge
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Европы
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Азии
ЛКИ - Россия : Про-Серия #1
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Континентальные финалы Америки
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Global Challenge Chengdu
Intel EM 4 : Второй квалификационный раунд
Intel EM 4 : Первый квалификационный раунд
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Скандинавия
Intel Extreme Masters 4 : Америка и Азия
Extreme Masters 4: Global Challenge Dubai
ENC 2009 : Плей-офф
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в CoD4
ENC 2009: Составы сборных в Fifa 2009,
ENC 2009: Групповой этап в Fifa 2009.
ClanBase EuroCup XIX
ENC 2009 : Составы сборных
ENC 2009 : Групповой раунд
ENC 2009 : 4-ый квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 3-ий квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 2-ой квалификационный раунд
ENC 2009 : 1-ый квалификационный раунд
ClanBase Nations Cup : Плей-офф
KODE5 2009


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News in full

News by game: All news Interview with forZe.MarLa Author: Силена @ 26.03 10:00 Comments: 6

After the winter tournament of Asus Cup had finished, we began to interview the famous people and its participants. One of such famous, interesting and, mainly, beautiful people became the participant of the Russian project forZe - Lidiya "MarLa" Strakanova. We should remind that her team took the first place at Asus Winter 2009.

LumeNation: Hello! Please, introduce yourself, may be somebody doesn’t know you, and tell something about yourself.

MarLa: Hello, everybody. My name is Lidiya Strakanova, my nickname in the game is MarLa. I play for the women team forZe. My general game experience is more than 7 years.

Retell your career of the professional gamer. Where did your experience begin and what is the situation now?

I began as many other people. I occasionally saw, how guys were playing in the computer club, and I decided to try to do the same. By the way, in the beginning everybody laughed at me. Probably, it served as a stimulus to learn how to play. Then I was called into the first Russian women team p[L]atinum, besides Venema and Manu came out of this team, so then I was tied with these affairs, there were different memberships of this team and now I have been playing for forZe for almost two years.

Do you think, that passion for computer games is not appropriate for women? That is the small part of the women population plays computer games and prefers something else, chooses other priorities.

It’s the truth. It is normal, that mainly lads play computer games, it’s really game for men because of weapons, explosions =) But on the other hand, girls don’t have large competition, and it’s easier for us to win and attract sponsors, for example.

Tell me, what are you doing apart from Counter-Strike? Do you study, or, probably, work?

I began to work long time ago, and rather successfully, I work as the Business Development Manager. To combine Сounter Strike with work is not easy, but I am sure of my future, besides, it’s interesting to work.

Read full interview

Interview with EYE.xek Author: Силена @ 23.03 20:34 Comments: 1

At last we bring to your attention the long-expected interview with the most famous Counter Strike player of the Russian team EYEsports and the national team of Russia. As you have guessed, today the hero of our program is a cheerful and positive Alexander "xek" Zubkov, who answered all important questions that have worried the local population for many months.

Tell me, for which team do you play and how long have you been playing for it?

Hello! Now I am playing for EYEsports within a year. Before I played also with the same people about 2 years ago, but under different names of teams (only one or two gamers were changed, and once I was changed).

At the end of December of the last year two players Xenitron and Dingo left EYEsports in What do you think about it?

So, they chose the team with the best conditions at that moment, including the fact, that we played with the last champions very badly; we didn’t have motivation to train and to win. May be, every player made the same.

How successfully did Flatra и Edik enter the team after Vanya and Denis had left?

The situation was a little opposite. Flatra and edik were first to contact with eyesports managers and began to form the team. After ex they took me and redman. Everybody entered the team well, as we have known, and played with each other for a long time.

Read full interview
Video from ESWC Masters Author: graver @ 10.07 13:15 Comments: 0 crew attended ESWC Masters in Paris last weekend and did a great coverage for our Russian readers. Our english readers can also check out some videos we made there. Dont miss it!
ESWC gaming zones
mibr, mTw
forZe - PGS
forZe - mYm
WC3 quarterfinals
forZe - n!
forZe - SK
WC3 prize ceremony
Spawn + Venema

Videos from KODE5 Author: graver @ 19.05 23:34 Comments: 0

Crew of leading Russian eSports website,, made some nice videos at KODE5 World Finals which took place in Moscow at 10-11th of May. Below you can find really interesting videos, like f0rest talking after fnatic lost finals or Ave saying how important his ingame leading is. - fnatic - first map
fnatic - - second map
Shy - Infi - first map
Infi - Shy - second map
mTw - fnatic #1 - first map
mTw - fnatic #2 - second map
Interview with fnatic.Shy
Performance of best Russian beatboxer (!!!)
Interview with mTw.Ave after finals
Interview with fnatic.f0rest after finals
mTw are playin quarterfinals
SK are playing quarterfinals
Mibr are playing quarterfinals
fnatic are playing quarterfinals
mYm are playing quarterfinals
Interview with fnatic.Archi
Virtus.Pro - EG
KODE5 GLOBAL FINAL Author: igc-Marchello @ 02.02 12:22 Comments: 0

Over $60,000 in Cash and Prizes Up for Grabs in the Russian Capital

(Moscow, RUSSIA) – February 2, 2008 – Bringing gamers to exotic locations around the world, the KODE5 Global Final is a celebration of competitive gaming excellence. In 2006, 90 of the world’s top gamers assembled in Beijing, China for KODE5’s inaugural Global Final event. This year, in association with ProPlay and, KODE5 is proud to reveal Moscow, Russia as the location for the KODE5 2007 Global Final. There, over 100 gamers from around the world will travel to the Russian capital to the T-Modul Exhibition Complex to compete for their share of over $60,000 in cash and prizes. With Global Supporters Cooler Master, GIGABYTE, and Corsair Memory, the KODE5 Global Gaming Revolution brings competitive gaming to the forefront with events in over 16 countries across the globe.

KODE5 2007 Global Finals

DATES: May 10th ~ 11th, 2008
VENUE: T-Modul Exhibition Complex
LOCATION: Moscow, Russia
GAMES: Counter-Strike 1.6, Warcraft III

From May 10th ~ 11th, 2008, KODE5 finalists from around the world will unite at the T-Modul Exhibition Complex for the KODE5 2007 Global Final. Located in Moscow’s Tishinskaya Square, this 1,500 square meter facility regularly hosts Moscow’s hottest concerts, parties, and fashion events. In May, it will be the venue for the final event of the 2007 KODE5 season.

T-Modul will set the stage for KODE5’s final 2007 season event

This massive complex is designed by some of Russia’s top architects

At T-Modul, finalists from each KODE5 country will compete for the title of KODE5 2007 Global Champion and their share of over $60,000 in cash and prizes. Cash payouts are as follows:

PLACE Counter-Strike 1.6 Warcraft III
1st $25 000 $10 000
2nd $10 000 $4 000
3rd $5 000 $1 000

A veteran in the gaming industry, produces world-class gaming festivals in Russia and surrounding countries. Its website is a leading e-sports portal with a full compliment of editors, correspondents, and writers who keep the Russian e-sports scene up-to-date with the latest industry developments. also controls PlayGround, the largest Internet Cafй in all of Moscow. This state-of-the-art facility hosts numerous gaming tournaments year long, and is frequented by hundreds of gamers every day.

“It is a great honor to host the KODE5 2007 Global Finals, and both ProPlay and are happy to welcome the gamers of the world to Moscow,” says Vadim Goronkov, ProPlay CTO. “Russia is rich with culture and history, and at the KODE5 2007 Global Finals, we will all have the chance to be a part of history once again.”

“Like Beijing in 2006, KODE5’s final 2007 event will treat gamers to a tournament unlike they have ever experienced before,” said Lester Lau, KODE5 Revolutionary-in-Command. “Our 2007 Global Champions will be determined in the heart of the Russian capital. By working with ProPlay, the KODE5 2007 Global Final will be another gaming tournament to add to the record books.”

Providing tournament machines for the KODE5 2007 Global Final will be long-standing Global Supporters Cooler Master, GIGABYTE, and Corsair Memory, who will be on hand to join the festivities and display professional-grade gaming hardware.

“It'll be exciting to see the world's top gamers battling it out for the KODE5 crown in Moscow,” remarked Coco Lee, Brand Manager, Cooler Master “It's going to be one heck of an event!"

“Having partnered with KODE5 for many events around the world, we are excited to participate in the Global Finals here in the Russian capital,” said Jack Peterson, VP Marketing Corsair. “KODE5 has been hosting tournaments that clearly foster competitive gaming excellence - the very core of Corsair Memory products,” continued Peterson.

More details on this exciting event will be revealed on KODE5’s official website:

For more information on, check out:

For more information on Playground, go to their official website:

About Cooler Master

Cooler Master was founded to provide the best thermal solutions to our customers worldwide. Since its establishment a decade ago, we continue to invest in product development in order to provide the leading-edge innovations to people and businesses. Cooler Master’s enclosure technology line-up includes heat sinks and fans, chassis, power supplies, function panels and accessories. Cooler Master has its headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, with global branch offices located in Europe, America and APAC, so that we can offer to our customers the best service in time. For more information on Cooler Master, please visit


GIGABYTE for the past 20 years has been a world-renowned leader in the motherboard and graphics card industry. Fully utilizing its key assets including its cutting-edge research and development team as well as its professional sales and marketing resources, GIGABYTE is committed to providing our valued customers with the highest quality products and services featuring the industry’s most innovative design. Now and for the future, GIGABYTE will continue to embody the unique spirit and culture, which has made GIGABYTE one of the foremost brands in the industry. For more information about GIGABYTE, please visit

About Corsair

Corsair Memory, a member of JEDEC, has been a leader in the design and manufacture of high-speed memory modules since 1994. We have earned our reputation as being the first to market with leading-edge products supporting new computing platforms and technologies. Corsair supplies memory for applications ranging from mission-critical servers to ultra-high performance gaming systems. The performance and reliability of Corsair memory products makes them ideal for memory-intensive computing. Additional information about Corsair is available at

About KODE5

KODE5 masses gamers in 16 countries in a series of regional events to find the best gamers from around the world. The best then fly to an undisclosed location to square off against the world’s gaming elite. With television crews from around the world broadcasting, international media in attendance, and mass crowds rioting for their favorites, the KODE5 Global Finals will bring gaming to the center stage like no other gaming event. KODE5 will take competitive gaming to another level and gain the respect that gaming deserves. To join the revolution, go to the KODE5 website at

Begrip -vs- Manager Author: igc-Marchello @ 01.02 21:06 Comments: 0

Breaking news! Russian Begrip Gaming Counter-Strike team falling apart. Players of the team decided they are not anymore interested in cooperation with their owner, Maksim “Nirvana” Zalilov. Players are not satisfied by Zalilov’s work and they also suspect that they are not getting all the money they should get.

Zalilov told us that he wont allow team to play in NPCL league, and he will try to ban them from Russian qualifiers of WCG, KODE5 and made a call to Russian WSG Qualifier organizers, and they told us, that they fully support Zalilov’s decision.

Stay tuned for more information about this growing conflict.

Begrip Lineup: Xenitron, Xek, Redman, Flatra, eX
WCG Seattle in judge's eyes Author: Miker @ 30.10 22:47 Comments: 0

I will speak in a roundabout way. By the time I've been thinking over what to write for my diary on Proplay, I've come to a conclusion that I should speak only about the third unfortunate day, the play-off day, where I was anyhow involved at once in the two most sensational scandals of the WCG. I mean games Norway - Korea and Russia - USA.

I'll start with the first match and tell you what had happened in reality. Glad Norwegians barge into the gaming zone a bit later than Koreans and I, as the judge assigned to team Norway, had to raise my voice, but REAL took out his guys from a crowd of chatting Scandinavians. Mates sat down at once, without any problems in about five minutes set all the options and stared at me with questioned faces. "Oh God! What a pleasure to work with professionals. They do everything in silence, quickly and without questions." - thought I, remembering my Greeks and Macedonians in the first and second days of the competition. Although it's a sin to complain of team Macedonia - the guys played calmly and without any remarks, that was really surprising. Attentively examined their devices for own satisfaction and started the CS, I began looking for the enemy. It turned out a team of five guys who looked like monkeys from the cartoon. By the way, there was monkey-mother in the cartoon and we could see her here too - the team-leader, who diligently defended the interests of the team from Samsung's and Boxer's motherland. It was a great pleasure that the other Russian-speaking judge from Latvia - Banshi was looking after the Asians. There were no doubts that we will find the understanding. The game began.

Read the full story

A couple of good news from OLDI and! Author: Miker @ 12.10 16:39 Comments: 1

The "OLDI PP Cup" tournament series sponsored by OLDI are constantly developing. The audience is growing and all the best russian and CIS players already enjoyed the tournament.

The next step in the development of the best russian online WarCraft III tournament is the new prize-pool. Now it's not only the winner who gets 200 euro but it is 85 euro for the runner-up! These nice changes will apply immediately from now and will concern tomorrow's OLDI PP Cup #6.

Moreover there will be the first Counter-Strike 2vs2 tournament this Sunday. More likely it will start the new series of tournaments sponsored by OLDI in this most popular nomination. The rules for this tournament will be published soon. By the way the changes in the prize-pool will apply to the Counter-Strike tournament as well - besides 200 euro for the first place there will be 85 euro for the runner-up.

We hope to see even more fans and participants on OLDI PP Cup, so we're looking forward for you sign-ups!

by dark_Xeon
Virtus.Pro with full lineup again Author: Lonely @ 14.08 16:24 Comments: 1

A couple of days ago the mix-team KPOBb won the ticket to the Seattle. Here you can read the official statement from the manager and the coach of the Virtus.Pro project:

Groove: We are pleased to announce two new members in our Counter-Strike squad - they are talanted Ukrainian players Ioann Sukharev and Daniil Teslenko have been played in the pro100 team before.

The Counter-Strike squad of the Virtus.Pro project now looks as folows:

Pikiner Constantin - Konstantin P.
Kolesnikov Aleksey - Aleksey K.
Filimonchencko Viktor - Viktor F.
Makarov Roman - Roman M.
Sukharev Ioann - Ioan S.
Teslenko Daniil - Danil T.

Groove: In the end i want to comment our performance at WCG Russia. Unfortunately, we could't play with our new lineup because only citizens Russian Federation allowed to participate in that tournament. That's why we offer Victor Moskvin aka and Vladimir Perevolotskiy aka to join our team named "KPOBb" at WCG Russia. The name of our team at WCG Finals is "Virtus.Russia". I must admit that we won't go to WCG as "tourists" and we are going to prepare for this event.

The lineup of Virtus.Russia at WCG Finals:


WCG Russia 07: Results Author: Lonely @ 12.08 16:52 Comments: 0

WCG Ru 07

Warcraft III: TFT

StarCraft: BW


NFS Carbon


Galleries: 1, 2, 3

Russian WCG Preliminary has finished. Tons of players came to Moscow to fight for the spot in the Grand Finals and for good prizemoney. After three days of battles against each other all Russian resepresentatives for WCG 2007 has been determined. If you want to see more about each game follow the links. There were a big suprise in Warcraft 3 because Deadman was eliminated in quarterfinals and Swift, who wasn't well known in Russia until now, took one of the spots. The rest of the spots were distributed among the best russian gamers. You can find all those lucky ones by folowing the "Read more" link .
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Game: Cooller interview: "Everything I have now, I've reached by my own" Author: Miker @ 30.07 21:31 Comments: 2
OverDrive : The Movie Author: Andre- @ 27.07 14:45 Comments: 0
ForZe with a new line-up Author: Andre- @ 26.07 21:07 Comments: 4
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News by game: All news Interview with forZe.MarLa Author: Силена @ 26.03 10:00 Comments: 6

After the winter tournament of Asus Cup had finished, we began to interview the famous people and its participants. One of such famous, interesting and, mainly, beautiful people became the participant of the Russian project forZe - Lidiya "MarLa" Strakanova. We should remind that her team took the first place at Asus Winter 2009.

LumeNation: Hello! Please, introduce yourself, may be somebody doesn’t know you, and tell something about yourself.

MarLa: Hello, everybody. My name is Lidiya Strakanova, my nickname in the game is MarLa. I play for the women team forZe. My general game experience is more than 7 years.

Retell your career of the professional gamer. Where did your experience begin and what is the situation now?

I began as many other people. I occasionally saw, how guys were playing in the computer club, and I decided to try to do the same. By the way, in the beginning everybody laughed at me. Probably, it served as a stimulus to learn how to play. Then I was called into the first Russian women team p[L]atinum, besides Venema and Manu came out of this team, so then I was tied with these affairs, there were different memberships of this team and now I have been playing for forZe for almost two years.

Do you think, that passion for computer games is not appropriate for women? That is the small part of the women population plays computer games and prefers something else, chooses other priorities.

It’s the truth. It is normal, that mainly lads play computer games, it’s really game for men because of weapons, explosions =) But on the other hand, girls don’t have large competition, and it’s easier for us to win and attract sponsors, for example.

Tell me, what are you doing apart from Counter-Strike? Do you study, or, probably, work?

I began to work long time ago, and rather successfully, I work as the Business Development Manager. To combine Сounter Strike with work is not easy, but I am sure of my future, besides, it’s interesting to work.

Read full interview

Interview with EYE.xek Author: Силена @ 23.03 20:34 Comments: 1

At last we bring to your attention the long-expected interview with the most famous Counter Strike player of the Russian team EYEsports and the national team of Russia. As you have guessed, today the hero of our program is a cheerful and positive Alexander "xek" Zubkov, who answered all important questions that have worried the local population for many months.

Tell me, for which team do you play and how long have you been playing for it?

Hello! Now I am playing for EYEsports within a year. Before I played also with the same people about 2 years ago, but under different names of teams (only one or two gamers were changed, and once I was changed).

At the end of December of the last year two players Xenitron and Dingo left EYEsports in What do you think about it?

So, they chose the team with the best conditions at that moment, including the fact, that we played with the last champions very badly; we didn’t have motivation to train and to win. May be, every player made the same.

How successfully did Flatra и Edik enter the team after Vanya and Denis had left?

The situation was a little opposite. Flatra and edik were first to contact with eyesports managers and began to form the team. After ex they took me and redman. Everybody entered the team well, as we have known, and played with each other for a long time.

Read full interview
Video from ESWC Masters Author: graver @ 10.07 13:15 Comments: 0 crew attended ESWC Masters in Paris last weekend and did a great coverage for our Russian readers. Our english readers can also check out some videos we made there. Dont miss it!
ESWC gaming zones
mibr, mTw
forZe - PGS
forZe - mYm
WC3 quarterfinals
forZe - n!
forZe - SK
WC3 prize ceremony
Spawn + Venema

Videos from KODE5 Author: graver @ 19.05 23:34 Comments: 0

Crew of leading Russian eSports website,, made some nice videos at KODE5 World Finals which took place in Moscow at 10-11th of May. Below you can find really interesting videos, like f0rest talking after fnatic lost finals or Ave saying how important his ingame leading is. - fnatic - first map
fnatic - - second map
Shy - Infi - first map
Infi - Shy - second map
mTw - fnatic #1 - first map
mTw - fnatic #2 - second map
Interview with fna

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